Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A December to remember!!

Merry Christmas and Happy almost 2010!! Wow, really.....where did the year go? All I know is I am really really looking forward to this next year =) Well the last month sure has been an interesting one. I will start with my birhtday....25 yuck!! On Saturday Brad took me out for the whole day/night and spoiled me rotton with lunch, shopping, movie, and supper at OLIVE GARDEN =)and COLD STONE.. very very fun. The next day I went to Defiance and mom, Laura and I baked up a storm!! lots of fun and calories =) Below is a pic of Brad and I from my birthday and the ladies baking away!!

Next is Christmas...lets start with the snow....lots and lots of snow ( I went home and Brad stayed in Marcus and was going to come up on Saturday) then came ice...or maybe the other way around but regardless the Keane home was powerless or 3 days....yes, 3 WHOLE days!! So to sum that up cold, boring, cookies. Cold for the obvious reasons, boring because we had to cancel Christmas eve as well as Christmas day with my Keane family ( i didnt get to see annie bannanie =) and yes my wedding shower was also canceled!! And cookies beacause that is all i ate for 3 days =) But regardless I was still able to spend quality/cold time with the fam!! I was also to catch up with some old friends on Sat night. SO, all I can say is NO MORE SNOW!! Once back up North Brad and I met our friend Megan for super and drinks and are now gearing up for the new years eve bash andddddddd. MY BACHELORETTE PARTY!!! YAYA. Below are pics of my family roughing it with our coats and whatnot, some cousins I did get to see (thanks to my wonderful aunt Sandy letting is use her shower) and some from the night Brad and I met Megan, a family pic, and sat night with the friends...and amybe a few in and outs!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

House pictures

Here are some pictures of the house Brad and I are going to buy. Brad is lving in it right now and we have done alot of painting and some decorating but much more to come!!

Mine and Brad future bedroom...needs decor and bed set still

Guest bedroom....painted but needs decor and bed set

weightroom/xtra bedroom...still needs to be painted

Livingroom and Brads white christmas tree..decorating in green and gold for Notre Dame =) He had agreed to start a new tradition with me next christmas and get a REAL tree....I am sooo excited!!


Right when you walk into the door

The entry to the kitchen


Friday, December 11, 2009

My favorite things...

My Friend Jenny did a blog that listd some of her favorite things during this grrreat time of year so I thought I would do the same =)

1. the fact that every single person seems to be a bit more cheery/happy this time of year!
2. Spending lots and lots of time with my wonderful family and future family!
3. All the pretty christmas decor....trees, lights.......
4. All of the christmas goodies =0
...esp almond bark pretzles, old fashioned hard christmas candy......i could go on and on and on......candy canes =) ...ok ill stop! haha
5. Jesus' birthday
6. This WEDDING SHOWER =) dec 26th at my moms if anyone wants to come!!
7. Sitting in Brads living room with the tree lights on, Brad, a good smelling candle, and getting the most coziest feeling EVER!
8. the joy of christmas shopping, all of the wonderful holiday music through out the stores....and finding that perfect gift for all of your loved ones...I just LOVE LOVE LOVE giving gifts to people!
9. My sister coming home !!
10. Snow on christmas day
11. St nicks day....dec 6th. for those of you who do not practice this tradition YOU ARE MISSING OUT!!!!!
12. All the moments during this great time of year you realize how special people are to you and thanking the lord for all of the great blessings!
12. Pepperment ice cream...its sooooo good and I can only find it at christmas!
13. Amy Grant christmas CD!!!! Esp when making goodies with my mom and sister!!

Those are just a few things. I just LOVE this time of far the best time of year. I am allready looking forward to next years christmas. .... I will be married to a wondeful man, sharing a life together and I can not wait to see what life as husband and wife has to bring us!!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! For Thanksgiving Brad and I went to my aunt Janet's to have thanksgiving with the KEANES!! Always a full house that seems to be getting fuller each year!! Its fun to see all of my cousins with their children....they are all getting big waaaay too fast!!! I was glad to see all of my awesome cousins =) We then went back to mom and dads for a while and got some bad news in that time frame witch thank god all turned out ok...My moms brother in law was having a heart attack and was being life fighted..very scary! We were lucky then to see my other cousins for a few short minutes. I am now looking forward to CHRISTMAS.....hands down the BEST time of the year!!!!!!!!! It is going to be even better this year because my moms side is throwing me a wedding shower the day after and I am soo excited! This weekend we will be seeing Brads family and spending fun, quality time with Brad's niece =) So did any of you go do the crrrazy black friday shopping?!?!? I thought about it but ended up having to work....wishing now I would have gone once I found out the dishes I wanted were on sale BIG TIME =( So I am going to try to go tomorrow and see if they are still on sale ( yes jenny i know i should have gone..haha ) So I hope to get pics up this week.....gobble gobble =)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Busy BEE

Sorry it has been awhile since I have posted anything (and I have no pictures this week because I broke Brads computer =( so I am posting on my break at work =)
This past week was pretty busy, I worked both jobs, had volleyball Wednesday, went to Sioux City, did LOTS of wedding stuff and sold honey with my dad! This week we finally got the new carpet in the room that is going to be mine and Brads and we got the new bedroom furniture =) =) I love it!! I can not believe how BIG the bed is....its a king and the mattress goes up to my belly button no joke!! On Saturday when dad and I were done selling honey we went over to Brads house so he could see it for the first time....ofcourse dad knew all the answers to all the questions we had about the little fix it projects around the house....thats what dads are for right!! I know he is going to be a huge help once we get started on those projects!! On Sunday Brad and I went to Sioux City to get some shelves to make a pantry in the kitchen closet......Brad started working on it right away and finished it that same day so I pulled out my great organizational skills (which are POOR) and filled up the pantry! It looks great and gives the house TONS more cabinet space!!...We were also able to find all the supplies we needed to make our wedding invites....lots of work in the near future FORSURE. And ofcourse I managed to shop for a few christmas things and a few things for myself =) We ate at outback steak houe and Brad and I BOTH LOOOOVED our meals.....yummy yummy! And we were sure to hit up coldstone......the berry tart and tangy.....GREAT! I forgot to mention that Brad was in Ames all week for work and was able to stay with his brother and also see his sister and her family....Brad just gets a kick out of his niece,,,its funto see how much fun he thinks she is =) She is such a CHEEZE!!! Hope you all have a sUUUUUUUUper week!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Just wanted to give a shout out to my blog followers =)
haha you guys are GRRRRREAT!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wonderfuuuul FALL weekend!

The wonderful pumpkin my sister and I carved for brad!!

My sister and I carving the pumpkin

Brad and I at Mr. and Mrs. BLANCHARDS WEDDING!!!!

Brads cUUUUte niece!!

This weekend started for me Thursday night....I had Friday OFF =) Friday I headed up to sioux Falls to see my best friend Jill. We had a great girls day filled with shops and some beers to end the day. Its great getting to spend time with the friends you love!! Saturday morning I met Brad in Le Mars and we had our engagement pics done =) I think we got some beautiful outdoor ones down by a lake with some awesome fall colors...we are hoping to get them back by the end of the week! After our pics my SISTER met us for lunch and we watch yet another THRILLING hawkeye game with a VERRRY loud crowd at Mr. Ps....but of course we were very happy with another IOWA WIN! Halloween night Brad and I were both pooped so we handed out candy to all of the trick or treaters....when I say ALL I mean ALL 6 of them lol...I think The house is just in a bad spot and they kiddos walk right on bye...oh well more candy for me ( and more elliptical in the days to come to work of all of the left over candy =) ) So today (Sunday ) Brad and I got our soon to be bedroom ready for the new furniture and carpet that is coming THIS WEEK!! We also got the guest bedroom all done with bed, dresser and all, so feel free to come visit =) I don't have any pics from this weekend but I will post a few old ones for fun!

Monday, October 26, 2009


This weekend was a pretty busy weekend....Brad and I went down to Sioux City to get blinds, paint, carpet and bedroom furniture. We ended up getting a REALLY good deal at Mozaks in Sioux City. Saturday night we watched the FANTASTIC IOWA game and as soon as that ended that is when things started to get interesting. As most of you know Brad got pneumonia last year and ever since has had some breathing problems that have been linked to asthma. After the game Brad told me he was having alittle trouble breathing so I was trying to calm him down for about ten minutes... when that didnt work we started thinking about going into the ER because it was the worse it had ever been.... I was looking in the phone book for the number and I was going to call to see what the nurse recommended ....By this time Brads symptoms had worsened and I didnt know what to do....his lips were pursed (tightened) and he was unable to control them, he was also unable to control his left arm which really freaked me out.....he then continued to tell me that the left side of his face was numb as well as his arm and both legs. Brad and I were both scared and Brad was not getting better.. this is when we decided that 911 need to be called.. the paramedics were there in literally 5 mins! They got Brad stabilized and then took him to the ER and I followed.........
long story short Brad was having a hyperventilation attack that was uncontrollable. oxygen, a tranquilizer shot, and a Brown paper sack got rid of the symptoms.....THANK GOD!! After talking with the ER doc he thinks that Brad never even had asthma so really this was a blessing in disguise. Brad is going to see a pulmonoligist and an allergist this week to get to the bottom of it. It does make it allot better for Brad knowing that he is able to control his breathing when all this time we thought it was uncontrollable. He was worried all week about h1n1 because if you get it and you have asthma it is 10X knowing that is is not asthma puts alot of things at ease!
The weekend otherwise was very good, got alot of things done and now onto a busy week....I am picking up a sencond job at a nursing home doing physical therapy and I will go there as soon as I am done with my firs job.....YUCK!! But it is great money and could not be passed up! Brad will be less busy with football being done.....have some R and R before basketball get here =) Up to sioux falls Friday to see my BEST FRIEND JILL and can't wait!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


SO I know this is way random but Brad and I registered a couple weeks ago. We found most everything we were looking for except glassware. I had these set of glasses in my head that I absolutely wanted or at least a set that was allot like them....well no luck. let me tell you I was SOOO disappointed!! Well I kinda gave up and just thought we would settle for a set that I didn't love...that is until I went to wal-mart last night!!!! I was shopping for a baby gift for my friends Paula and Gabe and I just happened to look in the dishware and THERE THEY WERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The exact glasses I had been looking for...not ones that were similar but the exact ones =) This absolutely MADE my entire week...possibly even month!! Kinda random but who knew I would find my dream glassware in wal-mart!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

First blog EVER!

OOOKAY so here we go, this is my first blog ever so I should warn you now....I am not the best speller and I am not well with grammar, punctuation, and so on so forgive me now. It is the last week of football and I am sad to say but I am a little happy about this! I think and hope that next year will be a much better year! Brad and I have been busy fixing up the house we are planning on buying in Marcus....we have been painting alot and I was kind enough to bring all of my decorations from my apartment to really make it look like a home =) I really really like what we have done to the goal was to have a "country style" kitchen so I will post pictures and you will have to let me know if I did okay!! Last weekend I went with my mom to Clarinda to sell honey at a craft fair...we had a great time! Brad went to the Iowa State game with his mom and brother (who is a senior at ISU) and also was able to meet his sister, brother in law and niece Natalie for lunch. So I think that is all I have for now....this weekend I think Brad and I are going to go shopping for some kick butt Halloween costumes and maybe pick out some bedroom furniture....YAY I'm excited =)