Monday, November 15, 2010

I love.....

I LOVE feeling as if I have to pee constantly
I LOVE getting up every 2 hours in the middle of the night to pee...and sometimes eat
I LOVE gaining 10 pounds in 4 weeks (YES 10 !!!!!!)
I LOVE having heartburn 24/7....even when it wakes me up in the middle of the night
I LOVE not being able to fit into any of my clothing
I LOVE my mood swings....and so does Brad
I LOVE it when I wake up in the morning and my feet are swollen and it hurts to walk
I LOVE not being able to go number 2 for 4 days in a row....or more (kinda gross but true)
I LOVE being hungry hungry hungry all the time......
I LOVE all of my cravings
what I am getting at is that I LOVE being pregnant ......even all of the not so fun stuff is so totally worth it and I would not have it any other way.....when you feel the little booger moving around and kicking it makes you forget all of the bad stuff.....I am just so thankful that my baby is developing healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thank the lord constantly for blessing Brad and I with this precious miracle and pray pray pray that in January I deliver the healthiest baby possible!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Im still here!

I am so sorry that is has been FOREVER since I have excuse really, just lazy :)
I don't have a picture to post right now but tomorrow I will take a 26 week photo.....that's right 26 weeks all ready! I feel like time is going so fast with this pregnancy but I want it to go even faster because I absolutely can not WAIT to meet our precious little baby!!
I have been feeling GREAT! I am having huge trouble trying to stay away from sweet tooth is out of control!! These last 14 weeks I am really going to try and cut down esp since I have my sugar test next Wednesday..............besides Christmas...I'm will dig in then =)...! We had an ultrasound at 20 weeks and everything looked great....our baby appears to be very healthy and growing growing can tell once I post the belly is getting quit large....its hard to imagine what it is going to look like 14 weeks from now =) I started to feel the "flutters" at about 14 and a half weeks but was not sure it was them then at 15 weeks I was laying in bed and felt the baby moving for all most an was one of the most amazing feelings EVER.....since then the moving in now VERY noticeable to me and anyone who is looking at my stomach :)..I think it is so cool to see my stomach moving in all weird directions knowing that it our little booger doing gymnastics! if it is a boy it is for sure going to be a kicker just like his daddy....our baby LOVES to is breech right now so alot of the time my bladder is the target :) We are hoping that by 40 Baby decides to turn ......keep your fingers crossed!
I am getting so excited to meet our baby but before we get to do that we get to meet baby Muhlbauer here in 2 weeks!!! anytime now:) And Dec 2nd we get to meet baby Mohning :) .....there are going to be babies EVERYWHERE!!!! 5/10 of my bridal party ladies are pregnant (all of the married women that were in my wedding ) and my good friend Nicole and my co-worker Amanda....SOOOOO exciting...kinda hard to keep track of all of the due dates but I am SOOOO excited that our little one is going to have so many little friends...lots of play dates! It is sooo fun being pregnant with some of my best friends!
Besides baby things have been pretty low key...
Brad is head coach for the MMC Eagles football team again this year, things started out great..3-0..but since then no more wins :( We have some tuff competition and we are VERY young....should be great in the next 1 to 2 years!! This Friday is the last game and we are ready for some down time!
2 Sundays ago I meet my family in Mondamin at the apple has been a tradition since I can remember and we always have so much fun and get tons of great apple...I LOVE apples!
I have a baby shower with Brads family and a few friends this Saturday....should be LOTS of fun!
More to come soon!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010


14 weeks

Me Ash and Katie at Ashleys for the weekend visiting!

Kristine and I with and our baby bellies =)

15 weeks

Me and Katie with our baby bellies =)

So I am LOVING being pregnant!!! We are just a few weeks away from the halfway mark =) I have a handful of ladies in my life that I am very close with who are also expecting and it is SOOOO much fun being pregnant together! Last Doc appt the Babes heart rate was 150 and things were looking good. I will have another ultrasound if a few weeks and we will get to see how big the Babe is getting =) SOOOO exciting! Other than that our lives have been pretty slow. Brad started football practice this past week so things are about to get very very busy....But I am really looking forward to fall and football. Fall is by far my favorite season!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Baby BUMP =)


Brad and I have some super excited news......we are going to havwe a BABY!!! We are expecting this little miracle to arrive sometime around January 23rd!!!! We could not be happier, we feel SOOOO blessed!! According to the ultrasound that I had yesterday I was 11 weeks on July 4th......I have felt pretty darn good so far..the only thing is that I have been SUPER SUPER tired!! But so totally worth it! I am showing alittle bit and i think that is super exciting!! I promise I will post a picture, my camera is being silly right now tho =(

SO that is our exciting news and I look forward to sharing moments of this wonderful time with you!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Once again I am sooooo sorry that it has been forever since I have posted last. My only excuse is that we have been very busy ...but thats everyone one during summer months ...right?!?!? =)

Brad and I went on a little vacation that was suppose to be our honeymoon but we had to change things up a bit. The reason we had to change things is that Brad got a call back for a second interview and it was scheduled for right smack dab in the middle of the honeymoon. So instead we went to Okoboji for a few days which was SUPER fun. I also made a trip to Verm to have lunch with my friend Katie and then continued to Harrisburg to see my friend Jill.....Brad and I then made the treck to Des Moines to spend some time with Brads brother in law, sister and cutie pie niece! We even got to babysit Natalie on Monday....Brad is going to make an amazing father someday =) AND it was totally worth not going on the honeymoon because Brad GOT THE JOB!!! he will be working at a bank in marcus.....he is waaaaayyyy excited as am I!

For fathers day weekend Brad and I met my mom, dad, sister, brother John and one of his friends (age had to work) In Omaha for the college world series.....last one at Rosenblat! Dad stood in line bright and early to get our seats.....and they were great! The weather was perfect and we all had a blast!

This coming weekend we have my cousins "couple shower" in Defiance which I think is going to be super to come soon from vacation and CWS!

Happy summer days to ALL =)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I am so sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. We have been busy pretty much every weekend since the wedding!! We had my brothers graduation from high school then we have his party this weekend....I have also had a wedding one weekend. We are leaving for our honeymoon this Saturday and we are soooo excited!! our plans have 100% changed because Brad got called back for a second interview (at a bank in Marcus) and the date for that is right smack dab in the middle of our honeymoon!! So we revamped and now are going to enjoy a relaxing 4 days at Okoboji! I hope the weather is hot and sunny!! I will post pics soon from the last couple pf weekends and then from the honeymoon too =)

Monday, May 17, 2010

25 things

A friend of mine Jill, who is a fellow blogger did a blog about 25 things you may or may not have know about her.... I thought it was fun so I am going to do the same =)

1. I LOVE diet mt dew from the fountain....I have been trying to cut back but it is a slow process!

2. I know it is a waste of time but I have to read atleast one gossip magazine per week.

3. When the toilet roll is empty I will go get another roll but I will not put it on the dispenser.....Brad is trying to break me of this habbit =)

4. POPCORN....I could not live without it.....3 to 4 days out of the week that is what I have for supper ( with a handful of dark M and M's ofcourse)

5. Another bad habbit of mine.....I do not brush my teeth before I go to bed, this is one of my biggest pet peeves EVER, when I an ready for bed I am ready for bed, I dont want to have to go brush my teeth first! Kinda gross......sorry! But thankfully I have NO cavities =)

6. I LOVE the LA Dodgers!

7. Going on a walk with a friend is one of the best things ever (and the hubs is even starting to go on evening walks with me....cant get much better then that! =) )

8. I love blue ink pens but have to use black at work....I think blue ink makes the paper look not so gloomy.

9. My favorite colors are green and yellow...and not because of IKM =)

10. I think everyone needs to laugh and smile everyday, even if you are not happy just smile and you will feel better.

11. One thing I have wanted to do forever is go through a drive thru and pay for ther person behind me. I would want it to be a family who was not in an escalade and it would have to be a drive thru where there you pay and get your food at the same window so you can drive away before the van gets to pay =)

12. I love watching movies with my husband but I also like to watch a tear jerker alone, I think ak good cry every once in a while is a good thing!

13. I use to hate onion and the last few months I have fallen in love with them, I want them on every thing I eat!

14. My dream job is to open a coffee shop in Marcus....could happen =)

15. I have the funniest grandpa in the world! Grandpan Don is the best there is!

16. I loved every second of high school and I would go back in a second.....I would ofcourse bring Brad with me =)

17. I hate waking up early in the mornings because I just love being comfy in my bed but if I ever do wake up early I absolutey LOVE being up and enjoying every single bit of the day! So regardless to say I am wokring on getting up I actually got up early enough to work breakfast...get ready and was out the door EARLY! I am trying to make this routine....fingers crossed!

18. I am a slob.....just look in my car! But I am trying to work on this knowing that when kids come along it is going to be ten times might as well get ahead now!

19. I have the BEST family in the world immediate and extended! I am soo thankful for all they do =)

20. I want to have 5 kids. =)

now its all your turn to tell me 20 things about you!! hope you all have a wonderful week =)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More Wedding!

Since the last post lack most of the details of the big day I thought I would fill in the holes for you! Like I was the most gorgeous day that I had even seen in my life..the sky was beautiful with nearly no cloud in sight....the sun was shinnig bright....there was a very VERY VERY slight breeze (which was nice because if I was standing just right my veil would blow to the side slightly)....the temp was PERFECT....not cold not hot but perfect.....I dont think weather wise you could have had a nicer day in the mid of summer! After I went to manning with kathy and Jill we heaaded to Manilla to my friend Jennys house to have my make up done ( Jenny does SUCH a great job doing peoples make up!!!) This is Nicoles mother in laws house so being there always brings back great memeories of Nicole and those were great to have on my wedding mornig knowing that she was there with us!!! We then headed to the religious Ed center which is right next to the church....girls started showing up and getting their make up on and their dresses on....soon the flowers come and we all go to see out beautiful boquets (more on that later) I got my dress on with the help of ALL that were there ( this dress was NOT a light dress so needless to say it was NOT easy to get into =) Brad was then able tocome over and see me for the first time =) and then we walked next door to the church to get pictures taken.....from there things seemed to go real fast...before I know it the church was full and it was time for the bridesmaids to head to the back ....I stayed next door for a bit (surprizingly not nervous AT ALL!! When it was my turn to walk down the isle I grabbed my dads arm and realized something was not boquet!!!!! By that time it was too last so I had to walk up with out it!!!! one of my personal attendants went to get it so once I got up front I had it.....oh well what can ya do =) After the wedding the guest went down to the hall to mingle and drink and the wedding party went on the bus to drink and get some out door pics!!!! lots of fun ofcourse. We then headed to the hall to eat and dance the night away.......GREAT food! I was so happy to see that so many of mine and Brads friends and family were able to come....meant SO much! I litterally danced the entire night ( i was SO sore for DAYS to worth it tho) The dance was sooooo fun......the BEST! I think we may have even had a romance bloom between one of my personal attendants and Brads cousin from cali that was an usher =) Brad and I then headed to the honeymoon suite at Boulders inn in Denison.....the next morning we opened gifts at mom and dads with mine and Brads family. GREATEST DAY AND NIGHT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brad and I are loving life as a married couple and are so excited to see what the future holds for us !!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Its official...Brad and I are married....Mr and Mrs Cave=)

preparing for the wedding: The days prior to the wedding were very busy, but FUN days! My sister, mom and I went to Omaha Wednesday to pick my dress up and to get our toes and nails done, we also finished up any last minute errands ( you always have those!)

Then there was the decorating of the hall...this was a BLAST!! I a so blessed to have such great friends and family that took time out of their day to come help! So I have to say thank you to my mom and sister, my aunts Lisa, Peg, Cinbob, Sandy, Jean, and Janet. My cousins Jenny, Annie, Emma, abby. my moms BFF Brenda. My friends Ashley, Maria, and Jill ( I am so sorry if I am forgetting anyone! )

And then there was rehearsal......we spent the whole night laughing and drinking with friends and was a great night!!

And then there was the Wedding DAY!!!!!!

This day could not have been more prefect! For one the weather was UNBELIEVABLE!!!! It was sooooo gorgeous! I got my hair done in Manning with my BFF Jill and my sister in law kathy...we then headed to Manilla to get my make up done my my friend Jenny!! We were then off to the church to finish getting ready and have pictures taken.....the mass was perfect and the reception and dance were out of this world crazy FUN!! I will post details later but just wanted to give you a few pics and some details about our big fantastic week... I will post details soon!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

8 DAYS!!!!!!!!

lost has been found.....I know I said I was going to post pictures from the last shower and right after I said that I lost my camera.....=) I found it now but have not had time to post pics yet......SORRY!

So.....I dont know if you all knew this BUT the wedding is only 8 days away....YES 8!!!!! I can not believe it but I am sooooo excited, so excited to the extent to where I am losing sleep at night! I was afraid this was going to happen because in the past when I have been in a wedding or even just invited to one of my friends weddings I am not able to sleep the night before, so this being MY wedding I was anxious to see how my sleeping habits were going to be affected, I will tell you I did not think the sleep would be disrupted allready! HA! I just have so much on my mind when I go to bed ( I honeslty did not know my mind would hold this much ....hahahaha) and also the pure excitetment is keeping me awake=) From here on out thigs are going to be crazy busy and I am super super excited to soak it ALL in!! Hope to see you all in 8 days!
Future Mrs. Cave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shower #3

Shower number 3!!

This past weekend my dads sisters threw me a wedding shower at my aunt Janets house........FUN FUN FUN!! I was so happy that alot of my family could make it as well as Brads mom, grandma, sister and niece!! Also, My friends Jamie and Katie and Katies little girl Lily were able to come =) I was alittle worried that the shower was going to have to get canceled because of the snow but come shower time the snow was pretty much gone =).

Brad and I have been very busy these past couple of weeks trying to get everything ready for the wedding and Brad started Track a few weeks back. My aunts and mom have been soooooo great when it comes to helping me plan the wedding.....they have super super creative ideas!! Brad and I have also been taking our marriage classes, we are done with the priest part of it but now we are having to meet with a married couple from the church and they have this book we go over in a total of 5 sesstions and each session is an hour and a half long!!! Thankfully the couple is great and really the things that they are telling us are really really helpful info and it is just great advise that Brad and I will use the rest of our lives! The only downfall is that Brad and I are super busy and so is this couple....but this Thursday we have a meeting and after that we have one more!

My friends have been great sending me lists and lists of things I need to remember to do for the little stuff I would not think of BUT, and this is a BIG BUT.......Each and everyone of them FORGOT to mention the MARRIAGE LICENSE!!!!! I was at work yesterday and one of my co workers said something about a marriage license and I looked at her with the biggest eyes EVER and started to freak out a bit! I am not even kidding you, if she would not have said anything I dont think Brad or myself would have remembered at all until the priest said something the day before or the day of and that would have been too late considering you need to fill out an application and after you fill that out it takes 3 days to get the license.....OH BOY! Thank God Kelly said something =) Brad and I are going tomorrow morning to the courthouse with a whitness!

Everything else is going great and Brad and I can hardly contain our excitement...we wish the wedding was tomorrow =)

I will post pictures from the shower tonight or tomorrow (this is for you sister!! Laura lives in North Carolina so she has missed out on the showers and that just KILLS her sO that is why I NEED to post the pics!!)


Monday, March 8, 2010

Busy Bee

Sorry I have not blogged in awhile and I do not have any pictures this time....woopsies!!
Well, where to start.....

Brad and I have constantly been working on wedding stuff...2 weekends ago we worked on invited...the WHOLE weekend!! We finished thanks to the help of our friend Megan....once they were sent out I felt like I had 20 pounds lifted off of my shoulders!

This past weekend Brad and I went to Des Moines......
We got there about 9 on Friday night and went out on the town with Brads brother, brother in law and was way fun!
The next morning Brad and I went to do one of my favorite things...we went to a coffee shop and had coffee!!!! I dont know why I love doing this but I do.....I know Brad was not thrilled but he acted like he was excited about it because he knows how much I love doing this.....he even found something he likes=) you know what this means right?!?!?! WE GET TO DO IT AGAIN=) wow...I get excited about the dumbest things...sorry=)
After Brad and I were all buzzed up on coffee we went to target and bed bath and beyond to add/subtract from our registery.
Brad and I then went to the mall for awhile .....I stayed at the mall while Brad went back to his sisters and my friend ashley and her broha picked me up to head to red lobster to meet our other friend maria for lunch........YUMMO!!!! Maria, ash, jorda, and myself spent the rest of the day shopping our butts off!! It was fun getting to spend some time with my wonderful friends!!

We went out to eat for supper that night with Brads fam ...that was pretty much our weekend in DM.

On Sunday we headed to D town to have lunch with my mom dad and brothers.....Brad left at 1 to head back to his G pas B day and I stayed the night on Sunday. While I qwas home my mom and I went to the hall to get a wedding workout in..we sweated our butts off!!! =)

So.....sorry to bore you with all of this info....but thats my life =)

I am going to Omaha this weekend with my mom to meet my aunts to work on wedding stuff =)

Only 40 days....YES I said 40 days. I will be Mrs. cave before I know it....WOOP, cant wait!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


In the past 2 weeks I have had 2 showers....they were both soooo much fun and something that I will never ever forget!!! It is so weird to have an event that is focused around you....I felt SOOOo spoiled! And the gifts....I can not believe how generous and thoughtful people are! Thank you everyone!!
The first shower was put on by my Dotzler side. We had brunch and the food was YUMMO!! Next we played some games where the guest had to answer questions about me...Maria won...she must know me well =) then we played the tiolet paper bride game. This is where you are spilt into teams and you have to make a toilet paper dress...I had to pick the winner and the winner was Ann Graeve...but they were all super fantastic!! Next we opened gifts...all great. One of the neato ideas was that each guest was to bring an ornament for Brad and I ....all of the ornaments are so neat and unique, and Brad and I have enough to fill our first christmas tree next christmas!!!! Such a GOOD idea! Such a fun shower....WOWZERS!!!

The next shower was in Marcus and was given by Brads family. This shower was a come and go shower. again was a brunch .....I ate and then right away started opening gifts..the guest ate, came and went as they pleased, and watched me open gifts. Hoooly moly the gifts we got!! We got SOOOO many gifts....mostly from people I dont know elder ladies in the nice thO!!!! I am so happy that people in the town I am going to live are sooo nice!! The shower was so so so fun!!
Saturday afternoon and alllllll day sunday brad and I put away gift ....this took FOREVERRRR....but so worth it!!
Thanks again to everyone that hepled, came or gave a gift..Brad and I are so blessed to have such great family and friends!!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Some pictures from my 2 showers.......they were SOOOO much fun!! More talk on that to come =)

This past Sunday and this Saturday I had a shower. The first one was put on by my family, the Dotzler side and the second one was put on my Brads family. Both of them were absolutly amazing!! I will tell all about it but for now I am just going to post pics ... my sis wants to see them bad since she was unable to be here =(

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's setting in =)

What I mean by it's setting in is that the wedding is really getting closer then I have realized!! This past weekend was panning planning planning!! It all started on Saturday morning when I had to meet with the flower lady to pick out all of the flowers that are going to use for the wedding. after that I met my aunt Lisa and aunt Peg at the parish hall where we are having the reception and pictured what we are going to do for decorationS and really got a good visual for that. Sunday I went down to Omaha with my mom and had my dress fitted..still fits =) So.....this weekend I have a shower in Defiance that the Dotzler side is throwing for me and next Saturday I have another shower in Marcus that Brads family is throwing for basically the only thing that is on my mind is WEDDING, and that is the only thing that is going to be on my mind for the next 73 days =) GET EXCITED! This past Saturday we also had a birthday party for the wonderful Donald Keane....AKA best grandpa in the entire world. My mom and dad had all of the Keane's over and we had 4 different kinds of homemade soup AND homemade ICE CREAM......ohhhh sooooo good! My little cousin Emma who is one of my flower girls thought that it would be fun if she could spend the night with me and then go along to the dress fitting...I tell you what, for her only being 8 ( I think) she is really fun...she is so girly and a little fashionista its so funny. So, overall it was a great weekend filled with family!! I will post pictures next week from the shower!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This past week one of my best friends Katie invited me to the Brad Paisley concert as a wedding shower gift...awesome, right!! We had great seats....we enjoyed good music and danced the night away....nothing too crazy considering we had to work the next day...but needless to say it was sooo much fun!! Im am starting to get just alittle stressed about this whole wedding thing...the left eye was twitching literally nonstop but now it is just here and there...oh, and I cant forget to mention the random spurts of binging on all sorts of food when I am not even hungry. I have always heard people use stress as an excuse as weight gain and I tell ya i now see where they are coming from, dont worry tho...I have it under control as long as I have chocolate around for those intense situations =)....starting to think it would have been much much easier to have eloped=) But I have always wanted a big wedding and that is exactly what I am getting!!!! I just never have been real big on organization but with all the little things that go into planning a wedding you really do need to be organized....good practice i guess =) My mom has been a great help and my aunts are also putting in alot of hard work and great ideas with the decor...what would we do without family?!?!?! This Friday it will have been 1 year since my best friend passed is really really hard to believe, I am a very lucky person to have had Nicole in my life!!! We all miss her alot...xoxo nicole...

Tonight another ICE STORM is suppose to hit us....PLEASE ICE< DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY ELECTRICITY!!!! HA! Not much else is new....a couple wedding showers coming up and I cant wait...88 days until the wedding if you were wondering =)

Monday, January 11, 2010

New year!! and more...

These past few weeks have been busy busy!! We started by celebrating the new year with some friends at Brads was a great time. I just CAN NOT believe it is 2010....for some reason I still feel like it is 1999 hahaha! But I am very very very excited for this year. This is the year I get to marry the greatest man in the world and become MRS. CAVE!!!! I can seriously hardly wait anymore!! yayayaya!

A few weekends back I had my bachelorette party!! It was by far one of the greatest nights ever!! I was so happy to have my mom, sister, future sister in law and ALL of my greatest friends in one place!! It was soooooo much fun...we got a hotel in sioux city....played lots of fun games there, went out to eat to chiles, and then went downtown sioux city! It was GRRRRREAT!! I will post a few pics. I have a few showers coming up to look forward to (snow stay away!) Brad is about done with basketball.....other than that we are just working on wedding stuff, it is really sneaking up on us!!!! Hope you all have a great 2010!! Stay warm and be safe!